Quote The Whiffy Kipper="The Whiffy Kipper"He wanted to be the big celebrity but looks like it's gone tit's up for him'"
Like it does for so many of them.
I wonder how many actual successes there have been?
Jason Robinson, I suppose. Chris Ashton.
Faz went on to do big things as a coach, if not a player ... until they decided they needed they needed an ex-RL scapegoat for their innate amateurism.
The list of those who've not just failed, but actually come back much worse players, is longer. Just off the top of my head: Henry Paul, Karl Pryce, Iestyn Harris, Lee Smith, Joel Tomkins ...
I'm sure the money is good (though I still wonder how the likes of Sale can offer massive cash inducements). But as others have said, the money isn't too bad for big names in RL either. They must have very persuasive agents (who obviously want the player merry-go-round to keep going!), to ignore those who've failed and take a big chance themselves.
I suppose Josh was always likely to defect. He seemed to be a player whose enthusiasm for sport waxed and waned from one year to the next. For that reason as well, I doubt we'll see him at Wigan again.