Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"Customers is what we are. The Company have a balance sheet and the tickets we buy (Sales), together with the Merchandise we sell (more sales) are what makes the Company viable
... and that is the modern day sporting problem. We have stopped being a sport (as has football, cricket, Union etc.) and become BIG BUSINESS (well ALL the sports governing bodies like to think they have).
I am not a customer, I am a fan first and foremost. The fact I have to pay to suffer as a FAN is just an unfortunate product becuase the clubs now have to treat the club as a business (and part of the RL / sports industry) with profit, loss, cash flow and all the other bunk that goes with it.
BF was trying to raise some positives, but as is the case those who are positive (and likely in reality to be the majority) get shouted down by the minority - as happens in all aspects of life these days.
Don't get me wrong, some times a good moan is helpful and constructive... but most of the time is just end's up wearing down those on the receiving end - in this case the clubs back office who create mini miracles each week on shoestring budgets.
Win or lose the club turns out a side and we as fans have a choice - support or not to support.
If as a customer you don't like what is being served up you can always get up and leave, never to return.
This is not a dig at you Gutterfax, it is just you used the customer word. I am a customer when I go to the supermarket, I am a fan when I go and shout my head of at the Stoop.
Bl**dy hell it is warm in this office today, off for a lie down!