There are a group of posters on here and fans at the ground who seem to take great pleasure in being negative and pessimistic. It’s a perverse pleasure that I’ve never really understood. This season has been a nightmare to most of us but to them it’s been nothing short of a cornucopia of delights. Week in week out defeat after defeat to nourish their strange fetish. Most seasons they hope for the worst and don’t get, this year all their christmases came at once, whoop de doo.
I’m not on about the many who have voiced legitimate and heart felt concerns about the club this season, frankly who wouldn’t. I’m on about the serial moaners and underminers who only ever come out from under there stones when things go wrong.
It’s a free country and if they want to be like that then so be it. However I do get annoyed when they peddle their half truth in a deliberate attempt to drag us all into their pit of despair. As far as I’m concerned there is no point in supporting a club if you can’t at least be optimistic in the closed season so lets not let them get under our skins.
So here are four of their standard dooms day myth exposed.
This team will be relegation fodder next season with the players we have. RUBBISH. Throughout the history of team sports many a failing team has been turned around with a new couch and a few crucial signings and gone on to do great things. McNally did it in 2004 with a team that was poor the previous years with the addition of two players (Domic and Solomona) and a new attitude. Kear took a team that just like this one was derided as rubbish and saved it from relegation and then again with the addition of a few new face gave Trinity it’s most stable and competitive team for the next 3 years since the sixties. Likewise this lot. Whether it happens is up to the clubs leadership but to say it can’t is utter BOLLOCKS.
Smith didn’t Improve the teams attitude and performance. Well sorry but he clearly did. When he arrived we didn’t even have a team just a bunch of men in matching shirts. Last Saturday we had a team, not a great one I concede but none the less for whatever reason it pulled together and grafted a win despite a turgid week off the field. Take a bow Mr Smith yours was every bit as big a miracle as Kear’s. Kear’s teams was poor and under performing, yours was non existent.
We are not SL standard because we failed to beat any SL teams in the play offs. NO WE DIDNT but against HKR and Salford we came pretty close. When you consider that both were away games against teams who could no more afford to lose than we could then this was a mighty effort. When you also consider that up until Smith arrived we were conceding between 30-50 points again then enough said. Yeah we lost to Sheffield, big deal. There is IMHO no way the Webster led squad would done as well and IMHO they would have lost the million pound game though I can’t prove it.
Finally the club is badly run. Well it isn’t. It’s not run the way I’d like and I don’t personally like a lot of what Carter does but I do accept one thing - he’s not an idiot as some would suggest. This year has been about as steep a learning curve as you can get and even if he’s only learned half the lessons it will make him a far better RL chairman next year - and I reckon he’s learned a lot.
No one can promise us a good team for next season that I accept - but to suggest it’s not possible is born of pure spite. So may I go against the false prophesy these people attempt to create and suggest you enjoy the closed season, re-charge your badly drained batteries and look forward to a much better season next year - and stick with that until your eyes and not their hissing mouth tell you otherwise.
Should get them in tizzy