Here is the 'make up' of the quiz and the night
Round 1 teams will draw for questions and team number
1 plays 2
3 plays 4
5 plays 6
7 plays 8
The 1 st round will consist of
a) Individual round = each player in turn will roll a dice this will decide what question from printed cards, they answer, 2 questions per player NO ASSISTANCE NO PASSING TO OTHER SIDE, 2 pts per right answer.
b)The Rules of Rugby League = a team game each team in turn will be asked 3 questions relating to the laws of the game, I am hoping a referee from the Leigh society will assist us here. 5 pts per right answer
c) The picture quiz - a team event each team will be shown 5 pictures relating to sport, 2 pts per right answer plus a bonus 2 points if all identified correctly.
d) Guess the sporting year= from a number of questions each team must guess correctly the year their team has been given FROM 20 points if guessed on 1st clue down to 2 points if guessed on last - BONUS POINTS Can be won along the way.
e) What happened next =Teams will be shown a short (some VERY SHORT) intro to a video, the teams must guess what happens next 10 points per right answer
f) TEAM QUESTIONS = 20 questions or TWO MINUTE ROUND team to answer as many questions they can in 2 mins or all 20, 2 pts per right answer.
Interspersed with guess the sports TV programme music if audio at location is good enough.
It is hoped that I will have a 'big screen' on the night so the audience can 'see' rounds C & E.
The two top scoring teams will go through to the GRAND FINAL
The grand final will be similiar in format to round 1 but slightly (

) more difficult and maybe a couple of 'surprises' put in the mix.
So come along and support the teams and LISA it will be a fun night but believe me the questions (well some of them) are not easy so teams start doing your homework.