There was so much wrong last night it's difficult to know where to begin but here's a few from my viewpoint.
The number of times last night that Sinfield stuck out a short hospital pass to someone already well-marked was shocking.
He can place a kick on the 5th nicely but if he's a Stand-off then I'm a banana.
Leeds' sliding defence was abysmal near the tryline ... it just didn't slide as fast as the ball moved sideways.
As for getting-up to them fast after a PTB, well they just didn't, Warrington made a minimum of 10 metres far too often.
McD needs to get the defence fixed pretty damn sharpish.
Offensively, they looked like they hadn't met ech other before last night, communication was poor and they were often in each other's way.
Burrow's good stuff came off him playing like a scrum half (except for the set move where he was a loose forward

), but McD still seems to have an aversion to him as a SH.
There is plenty of talent in the Leeds team, it's the coaching and game plan that is lacking.
IMHO McDermott is on borrowed time because I can't see GH allowing season ticket sales to dip too far.