Quote Dave K.="Dave K."The only reason it was 9 (Lovegrove is an Aussie we all know that, just like well know Willie Manu is an overseas player, despite not counting on any quota),
Is because Mason didn't get his tongan passport, if he had Rovers would have played him.
Fact is Rovers try to bend the rules as much as they can to get as many overseas players as possible.
Looks like Rovers will have 10 overseas registered players again this season
O hara
if they sign the FB they are rumored too.'"

I'd rather see talented Aussies like Dobson green paea ect Show us how rugby league is ment to be played than see average players like westerman, sharpe and Ellis have a go at it. Yes we have lots of Aussies but at least it didn't stop us giving several youngsters first team rugby last year, unlike fc who were the only team not to give a youngster a go and also where the only team not to kick a 40-20 last season probably due to there old average injury prone half backs. Throwing six figure money at has beens like long and Horne has clearly done your club no favours and with a lack of British halfs around can you really blame clubs for looking overseas?