Quote WormInHand="WormInHand"On the contrary, noodle brain, you didn't acknowledge the fact that there were five expert council representatives at that meeting, not just "one individual" who made a unilateral decision.
Sorry, I am going to bore everyone by repeating your evasive drivel. Here's what you said (I'll do it small so it takes up less valuable space):
Not one mention of Councillor Bayes or the other specialists. In fact, no acknowledgement of the size of the meeting, the length of time it took, the fact that Allam declined to share his pretty artist's impression, the fact that Allam had no proposals to discuss....
I'll ask again, simply:
Do you admit that there was more than "one individual" representing the council at the meeting at the end of which Mr Allam - not the council - declared that that was [url=http://www.thisishullandeastriding.co.uk/Sports-village-talks-council-rejects-stadium-sale/story-13417465-detail/story.html"That is my final word on the subject. As far as I am concerned the matter is now closed."[/url'"
You post as if that's news or makes a difference. Oh well, previous answer, repeated yet again.
"Nothing contrary at all, the party and Council leaders published views are contrary to the recent opinion of the one person.

Mr Allam's reaction was in response to the way he was treat.