Quote carl_spackler="carl_spackler":lol:'"
Did you think about Costa not doing subtle? Can you actually point to him actually looking like he's having a subtle go at someone?
I've watched him play all season and I don't think he has.
I've seen him do plenty of SLY digs though. The little kicks that are plain to the eye that don't even get given by refs. He did one against Hull on the keeper. He also held his hands up as well to draw even more attention to what he'd done. There was a sly little kick against Burnley. He is a sly mofo, but IMO still not a 1/5th of the slyness of the defenders he's up against.
Being a striker is a strange position. In the penalty are if the referee see you give a tiny push he'll happily to blow away all day, because a free kick against a striker in the box means so little. Yet many defenders virtually need to use rope to tie a striker up before a ref will give a pen against a defender for holding.
I do actually admit that Costa may have deliberately known he was going to step on Can's leg when chasing for the ball. My argument over that not being a 3 match ban is 1. You can't prove it, only the men knows. 2. Can provoked the situation by messing around play acting and then kicking the ball away when his play acting didn't work. The fact he was messing around on the floor was the reason he got stood on. If you don't want to get stood on then Stand TFO.
I offer the same opinion when Suarez STOOD ON the dude's back in Europe while playing for Liverpool. I do think Suarez could have evaded standing on him, but he could have also injured himself in doing so. If his opponent didn't want his back stood on he shouldn't have gone down like a fool in front of him when he was chasing after the ball.