Quote warrior1872="warrior1872"If you fellow Wigan fans cant get behind the team i dont know why you bother going,am i happy with the way we are playing,no im not,but im still going to leeds as you just dont support your team when they play well,i had this argument at widnes with Wigan fans booing the players,like i told them if you cant support your team dont bother going to the games go and watch them losers play with the round ball.'"
As someone else who will be at Leeds, regardless of how the team is playing - I was there, "having a party", when we lost 70-0 - I find your attitude borderline offensive.
I have never, and probably never will, booed the team.
I did however, walk out the second the full-time hooter went at Castleford, as that performance did not deserve one more second of my time.
As to the people who did boo them - They deserved it, quite frankly, and having paid their money (and travelled 60+ miles) to watch the game, they are ABSOLUTELY entitled to express their opinion on the team's utter lack of effort in any (legal) way that they want to.
If you want to clap and shout "good effort" or whatever, and you think that makes you a better fan, then good for you.
I however, prefer to see this analogy.
If Wigan RL was our favourite restaurant, we get used to the fine dining on offer.
Occasionally, though, we as fans will be served a s**t sandwich.
On that night, that may be all that is on offer.
Whilst I am basically forced to eat it, I do *not* need to give my compliments to the chef for serving it up (happy clappers).
Others (the "booers") choose to complain to the restaurant about it. I'm not that kind of guy, but it is a completely valid reaction to the crap on offer.
Just because someone chooses to express their opinion on the atrocious attitude of our team on Friday night, that does *not* give you the right to tell them to stop watching OUR team.
Please drop the holier-than-thou attitude, as at some point, if you keep on telling people to go and watch football if they want to boo, you're going to end up telling the wrong person and ending up on the wrong side of something undesired.
Bottom line: We all support our team by going to the game(s) - Regardless of whether that's once in a blue-moon or every single match - And we are all entitled to express our opinion pretty much how we want to. Just stop trying to force everyone to show support in the same way that you do. If we followed your advice, we'd end up with a crowd of around 500-1,000 who would stay and clap whatever the performance - Do you think the team would play better then (or be able to afford any way to become better)?
NB - I apologise to all reasonable supporters for having a rant, but this "I'm a better fan than you" attitude really gets on my waz.