Briers is one of the last of a dying breed. With his lack of size and lack of pace I doubt an 18 year old Lee Briers would be taken on by a SL side these days. Despite him having a superior set of skills to any half back you could name. It seems all coaches want is a stocky speedster who can sprint around the pitch. How many more high quality players are falling away from the game because they don't have the physique and pace coaches want?
I'm fairly young many of you will have seen many more players and many more Wires in the game than I have. But in my time and at his best he's been as good and as damaging to an opposition as any SL player I've seen.
There was talk around 2008 and 2009 that Barrow wanted him. I couldn't help but think 'what a wasted talent', a talent that was never fully realised. But Tony Smith came to Warrington and he fully realised the talent in Lee Briers' locker.

^this moment seemed to kick Briers into believing he was the player he could be. From then on he's probably been the best half back in SL.
It'll be a sad day when he retires. Some players come and go, some players leave their mark, some players names will always be remembered; however Lee Briers will go down as a legend.