Quote Mintball="Mintball"So it seems that, in the near two months since I opened this thread, one or two things have been proved.
One is that Flat Stanley doesn't listen and is not prepared to behave with any good grace, but is a disruptive influence who will not moderate his behaviour.
He is therefore banned.
I'm posting this here for a number of reasons, including acting as a reminder that I am quite prepared to hand out bans for such disruption. If anyone is in doubt, banning for such a reason is in accordance with the AUP.
Everyone was warned – and certain 'suspects' were given the opportunity to prove themselves.'"
What about the disruptiveness of thebutcher. Surely whats good for the goose is good for the gander, although Stan is now been banned, it does worry me how the decision not to punish Stans aggressor was blindly overlooked. There's plenty of posts off thebutcher instigating disruptive waffle, which obviously got unbridled attention. Just saying.