Forget about new signings and who’s gone and who’s coming. The main things that Matt Parish needs to focus on is changing the defeatist attitude within the club and to significantly improve the squad's fitness levels.
A major plus for me is not allowing the players to take extended holidays and dictate when they want to start pre season training. (Weeks later than other clubs with overseas players supposedly training in Australia unsupervised - Please

Parish and the conditioner need to ensure all the players are in optimum physical condition with strength and stamina levels that are at the very least equal if not better than any other club in super league.
I just hope it's not another case of exaggerated PR leading up to the new season with another trip to an army camp.(Only to be blown away in the first match like the Crusaders game at the millenium earlier this year). Salford don't have the elite players so they must make up for it by working harder and putting a lot of emphasis on developing team spirit.
Action speaks a lot louder than words and Salford can't afford the luxury of cutting any corners in preparation for next year. We must hit the ground running and if the coaches and players want it enough we will see a vast improvement on this year with fewer arm wrestles lost.