Quote moxi1="moxi1"Exactly in Super League! Theirs a huge difference between SL and C1, their current squad would get thumped in SL, just look at CC and how many foriegners they have! [size=100You have a massive hate obsession with HKR, just get over it, 2nd in the table and you can't stand the fact that we are doing well as a club [/size:P'"
You are wrong.
Justin Morgan is a coach whom I respect enormously. Justin took Toulouse into the semi finals of the Challenge Cup in 2005 (a position to which he has yet to take Hull KR). He has a good coaching mind, and he is extremely articulate. He is one half of the most glamorous couple in all of East Hull.
Unfortunately he lives in a town that has a dreadful substandard stadium, and some of the fans are very difficult to deal with.